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Oh! My sweetheart 

It's my heart 

Hurts a lot of time 

But still beat 

With the same sound beat

Because it knows 

For good souls, we have to wait........


My heart don't afraid of puncture

While it's thousands of times punctured 

But it doesn't still deflate 

Because it knows 

For a good flight, we have to wait........ 


My sweetheart 

Please don't dip in the mud 

Even if you fall in any mud-way 

But don’t get any dust-lust

Because we know 

For a lifetime voyage, we have to wait.......



My heart is for you

Beats always for you



As it's your 

Then why don't


Wait for a good time .,.....

We will meet when the moon is bright

The Sky is full of Star-lights

And we fall in love with our first sights 

Even on a bright full-moon night 


If you have any loyalty doubt

Then ask me to Wait ..........

And my heart will wait .....

And Wait.......

And Wait.
