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Love Letter

Love Letter

Hi dear,

It's a love letter.

Can't be posted later.

Enclosed with a lot of hope.

Open it in a closed door.

Read it with a long sigh.

With a low temper

And a hearty light.

Tell your response with a beautiful smile.

If not, please take it light.

It's just a love letter.

Can't be posted later.

We will not go for an ordinary tea date.

Not even to watch a boring theatre gate.

It's our love story.

I have written in a letter.

Which can't be posted

Before the acceptance of the love letter.

I sent the letter by post last night.

Open it in the morning.

In the rising sunlight

It's a love letter that can't be posted later.

Enclosed with a lot of hope.

Open it in a closed door.
