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Before It’s Too Late



Before It’s Too Late

In the mid of air

Birds stopped me from flying high in the sky

And told me some bitter truth of the life

And the power of partnered flight.

So, let me hold you before we say, it's too late.

Hold my hand and fly together

We will cross every struggle.

A trouble stopped me in the mid of it’s way

And told me some solutions of it's hardest phase

That told the weakness of every trouble

Which is none other than the love.

So, let me hold you and love you

Before it become late

And we say it's too late.

A mermaid stopped me

While swimming in the sea.

I was in the middle of the sea

To cross it with my will and thrill.

The mermaid told, “none of the worthy than your heart”

Why your soulmate is still apart?

It's just a mid way. Go to your sweetheart.

Before it become late and you say it's too late. 
