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 Voice :-The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action.


There are two types of voices in English grammar.

1.      Active Voice

2.      Passive Voice


Active voice: In active voice subject performs the action.

 e.g., They play hockey.

          वे हॉकी खेलते हैं।

           He is taking online class of Rehan Sir.

           वह रेहान सर की ऑनलाइन क्लास ले रहा है।


In the above sentences, the subject is Performing the Action.


Passive Voice: In passive voice subject receives the action.

e.g., English is taught by Gautam sir.

        अंग्रेज़ी गौतम सर के द्वारा सिखाई जाती है |


          We were invited to the party.

          हमें पार्टी में आमंत्रित किया गया था।

In the above sentences, the subject is Receiving the Action.

Note 1:  Passive Voice is used when the speaker does not know the doer(performer) of an action.

e.g., They repair phones here. (A.V)

     वे यहां फोन की मरम्मत करते हैं |


     Phones are repaired here. (P.V)

      यहां फोन रिपेयर किए जाते हैं |


Note 2:  Passive Voice is used when the listener does not know the doer of an action.

e.g., Laxmi cleans our office daily. (A.V)

      लक्ष्मी हमारे कार्यालय को रोजाना साफ करती है |


      Our office is cleaned every day.  (P.V)

        हमारे कार्यालय की प्रतिदिन सफाई की जाती है |


Note 3: Passive Voice is used when the speaker wants to hide the doer of an action.

e.g., My father roll bread in the evening. (A.V)

      मेरे पिताजी शाम को रोटी रोल करते हैं |


      Breads are rolled in the evening.    (P.V)


Some important rules to changing active voice in to passive voice.



1. Object of an active voice changes into the subject of a passive voice.

2.  In passive voice main verb is always used in past participle      


3.  Singular subject takes singular helping verb and plural

   subject takes plural helping verb.

4. ‘I’ becomes ‘Me’.

5. ‘They’ becomes ‘Them’.

6. ‘She’ becomes ‘Her’.

7. ‘He’ becomes ‘Him’.

8. ‘It’ remains ‘It’.

9. ‘You’ remains ‘You’.

10. ‘Who' becomes ‘Whom'.


Present Indefinite Tense - Voice

Present Continuous Tense - Voice

Present Perfect Tense - Voice

Past Simple Tense - Voice

Past Continuous Tense - Voice

Past Perfect Tense - Voice

Future Simple Tense - Voice

Future Perfect Tense - Voice