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Functional Grammar - Tense 

You cannot speak correct English unless you know the tenses well.

Tense teaches us about the accurate place of the subject, object, and verb in the sentence.        


Tense:-Tense is that form of a verb that shows not only the time of an action but also the state of an action or event.

         Tense समय को दर्शाते हैं, किसी भी वाक्य से जो क्रिया (verb) होने

 का समय होता है। उस क्रिया को दर्शाने वाले समय को, हम टेंस कहते हैं। 


There are three types of tenses: -

1.       Present Tense

2.       Past Tense

3.       Future Tense


Present Tense:-Present tense is classified into four tenses.

        i.            Present Simple Tense or Present Indefinite Tense. 

ii.            Present Continuous Tense.

  iii.            Present Perfect Tense.

  iv.            Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Past Tense:- Past Tense is classified into four tenses.

         i.            Past Simple Tense or Past Indefinite Tense.

    ii.            Past Continuous Tense.

  iii.            Past Perfect Tense.

  iv.            Past Perfect Continuous Tense.


Future Tense:-  Future tense is also classified into four tenses.

         i.            Future Simple Tense or Future Indefinite Tense.

    ii.            Future Continuous Tense.

  iii.            Future Perfect Tense.

  iv.            Future Perfect Continuous Tense.