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Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: -

It is used to talk about an action that started in the past and still going on.

Identity– The Hindi sentences having “से रहा है, से रही है, से रहे

है” in their end are Present Perfect ContinuousTenses.

         इन वाक्यों मे काम भूतकाल में प्रारम्भ होता है और वर्तमान काल में जारी रहता है और काम के जारी रहने का समय दिया जाता हैं  |

पहचान : इन वाक्यों के अन्त में 'से रहा है, से रही है,  से रहे है’ आदि शब्द पाये जाते हैं ।

  Structure: S + HV1 + HV2 + MV +Ing+ SINCE/FOR + TIME.


Points to be noticed-

  •  In this tense the main verb is used in present participle form (V4) form.

  •  Has been – With singular subject

  •   Have been –With plural subject

  •  For - Period of time or time duration

  •  Since -Point of time or exact time

  • In the last of the Hindi sentence, we find (से रहा है ,से

रही है, से रहे है etc. )


Sentence Structures:

·         Positive Statement Structure

             S + HV1 + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME.

             I have been teaching English for four years.

·         Negative Statement Structure

   S + HV1 + NOT + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME.

   He has not been operating the computer since morning.


·         Positive Question Structure

   HV1 + S + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME?

   Have they been working on this project for a decade?


·         Negative Question Structure

  HV1 + S + NOT + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME?

  Have you not been practicing English for 1 hour?


·         Positive Question with Question Word Structure

                                      Type 1

    W, H WORD + HV1 + S + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME?

         Why have they been sitting here since afternoon?


                                       Type 2        

              SINCE WHEN + HV1 + S + HV2 + MV?

                Since when has she been sleeping?


                                       Type 3   

            For how long + HV1 + S + HV2 + MV?

            For how long have you been living here?

·         Negative Question with Question Word Structure

                                      Type 1

  W, H WORD + HV1 + S + NOT + HV2 + MV + SINCE/FOR + TIME?

             Why has he not been studying for two hours?


                                      Type 2

             SINCE WHEN + HV1 + S + NOT + HV2 + MV?

            Since when have you not been visiting here?


                                      Type 3

                For how long + HV1 + S + NOT + HV2 + MV +?

              For how long has she not been talking to you?


Ø  Usage of ‘for’ and ‘Since’.

For: Duration of time or period of time.

ü  For two seconds                           

ü  For three minutes

ü  For five hours

ü  For seven days

ü  For six nights

ü  For seven weeks

ü  For seven weeks

ü  For eight months


Since: Point of time.

ü  Since morning

ü  Since Wednesday

ü  Since January

ü  Since 2005

ü  For seven weeks

ü  For eight months

ü  For one year

ü  For eleven centuries

ü  For twelve millennium

ü  For a few days

ü  For a couple of days

ü  For a long time

ü  Since 10th October

ü  Since 9 am.

ü  Since yesterday

ü  Since last night/last week


Let’s practice these structures with the help of the following tables.

Subject – She Action verb – Teach        Time – 4 years


She has been teaching for four years.




Has she been teaching for four years?







वह चार साल से पढ़ा नहीं रही है।




क्या वह चार साल से पढ़ा नहीं रही है?


                                  Table No. 2

Subject – He         Action verb –Shake desk              Time -1 hour

He has been shaking his desk for one hour.





Has she been shaking his desk for one hour?




For how long has she been shaking his desk?







वह एक घंटे से अपनी मेज नहीं हिला रहा है।




क्या वह एक घंटे से अपनी मेज नहीं हिला रहा है



वह कितने समय से अपनी मेज नहीं हिला रहा है?



                                       Table No. 3

Subject – You          Action verb – Ride bicycle     Time – 2 hours 


आप दो घंटे से साइकिल चला रहे हैं।  


क्या आप दो घंटे से साइकिल चला रहे हैं?  



क्या आप दो घंटे से साइकिल नहीं चला रहे हैं?  


आप कितने समय से साइकिल चला रहे हैं?  














                                       Table No. 4

Sub. –They        Action verb – decorate the room   Time-morning




They have not been decorating the room since morning.




Have they not been decorating the room since morning?





वे सुबह से कमरे को सजा रहे हैं |





क्या वे सुबह से कमरे को सजा रहे हैं?





   वे कब से कमरा सजा रहे हैं?



               Exercise to be practiced:

Subject                 Action verb         Time (since/for)

His uncle                     Water the plant           ..…...two hours

They                            Watch a movie           ………. Morning

Haneef                          take exercise               ………30 minutes

I                                    learn English                     ………….four years

Create the sentences using the above statements.

1.      …………………………………………………….

2.      …………………………………………………….

3.      …………………………………………………….

4.      …………………………………………………….

5.      …………………………………………………….