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Present Indefinite Tense - Voice

Present Indefinite Tense

Structure: Subject + is/am/are + mv(V3) +Object.

                  In Hindi

            In English

करता है ,  से किया जाता है।

 लिखता है, से लिखा जाता है।

 खेलते हैं,  से खेला जाता है।

  Is/am/are + done.

    Is/am/are + written.

 Is/am/are + Played.


e.g., He teaches English. (Active Voice)

      वह अंग्रेज़ी पढ़ाता है |

         English is taught by him. (Passive Voice)

         अंग्रेज़ी उसके द्वारा सिखाया जाता है |


        They operate computer here.   (A.V.)

      वे यहां कंप्यूटर संचालित करते हैं |

        Computer is operated here by them. (P.V.)

     उनके द्वारा यहां कंप्यूटर संचालित किया जाता है |


 Passive Voice

My house is renovated every year.

 मेरा घर हर साल पुनर्निर्मित होता है |

We are not informed anything.

  हमें कुछ भी सूचित नहीं किया जाता है।

You are invited to the party.

आपको पार्टी में आमंत्रित किया गया है।

English is taught here.

अंग्रेज़ी यहाँ पढ़ाई जाती है |


Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and convert them into Passive form.

e.g.     We infuse Basil in tea for Flavour. (A.V.)




             We Inflate balloons for a birthday party. (A.V)




       Practice on a Notebook as shown.

Positive Statement Structure

My clothes are washed once a week.


Negative Statement Structure 

My clothes are not washed once a week.


 Positive Question Structure

Are my clothes washed once a week?


Negative Question Structure


Are my clothes not washed once a week?


 Positive Question with Question Word Structure

Where are my clothes washed once a week?


 Negative Question with Question Word Structure

Why are my clothes not washed once a week?

                                    Table No. 2

Positive Statement Structure

 Breakfast is prepared by 7 a.m. 

Negative Statement Structure



Positive Question Structure

Is breakfast prepared by 7 a.m.? 


Negative Question Structure



Positive Question with Question Word Structure

When is breakfast prepared?


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

Which is breakfast not prepared by 7 a.m?

Practice the following Sentence

Active Voice – He reads an English newspaper.

                      वह अंग्रेजी अखबार पढ़ता है।


Write down at least 3 Imaginations around you. 


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