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Present Continuous Tense - Voice

Present Continuous Tense 

Structure: - Sub + is/am/are + being + mv(V3) + obj.

                  In Hindi

                  In English

कर रहा है,  से किया जा रहा है।

पढ़ा रहा है, से पढ़ाया जा रहा है।

 नाच रहा है, से नचाया जा रहा है।

  Is/am/are being + done

    Is/am/are being + taught

  Is/am/are being + danced


e.g.,   She is learning the lesson. (A.V.)

         वह पाठ सीख रही है |

           Lesson is being learnt by her. (P.V.)

        पाठ उसके द्वारा सीखा जा रहा है |


           We are watching T.V. (A.V.)

        हम T.V. देख रहे हैं।

        T.V. is being watched by us. (P.V.)

        T.V. हमारे द्वारा देखा जा रहा है |


Passive Voice

  They are being danced.

उन्हें डांस किया जा रहा है।

 French is not being spoken by her.

उससे  फ्रेंच नहीं बोली जा रही है।

Are your clothes being washed?

क्या आपके कपड़े धोए जा रहे हैं?

We are being invited to the party.

   हमें पार्टी में आमंत्रित किया जा रहा है।

   My house is not being painted.

मेरे घर की रंगाई नहीं हो रही है।

   He is being taught English

    उसे अंग्रेजी सिखाई जा रही है।

Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and convert

 them into Passive form.

e.g.,   They are applying cake on his face. (A.V.)

       He is riding my bike. (A.V.)






 Practice on a Notebook as shown.

Positive Statement Structure

Namaz is being performed at the mosque.

Negative Statement Structure



Positive Question Structure 

Is Namaz being performed at the mosque?

Negative Question Structure 


Positive Question with Question Word Structure

Where is Namaz being performed?

Negative Question with Question Word Structure 

Why is Namaz not being performed at the mosque?


                               Table No. 2

Positive Statement Structure



Negative Statement Structure

 He is not being served coffee.

Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure

 Is he not being served coffee?

Positive Question with Question Word Structure

Where is he being served coffee?


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

Why is he not being served coffee?

                                      Table No. 3

Positive Statement Structure

We are being called to the party.

 Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure 

Are we being called to the party?


Negative Question Structure



Positive Question with  Question Word Structure

Where are we being called?


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

Why are we not being called to the party?




                                       Table No. 4

Positive Statement Structure

Milk is being turned into curd.


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure



Negative Question Structure

Is milk not being turned into curd?


Positive Question with Question Word Structure

Why is milk being turned into curd?


Negative Question with Question Word Structure



Practice the following Sentence

             Active Voice – She is preparing tea.

                                     वह चाय बना रही है |

Passive Voice 

Positive Statement Structure



Negative Statement Structure

Tea is not being prepared by her.


Positive Question Structure



Negative Question Structure



Positive Question with Question Word Structure



Negative Question with Question Word Structure

