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Past Simple Tense - Voice

Past Simple Tense or Past Indefinite Tense

Structure: Subject+ Was/Were + done(V3) +object

                    In Hindi

                In English

  किया था, से कराया गया था।

   बताया था, से बतया गया था।

    लिखा था,  से लिखा गया था।

    Was/Were + done.

   Was/Were + told.

      Was/Were + written.

e.g.,   You were informed about the job. (P.V.)

        आपको नौकरी के बारे में सूचित किया गया था |

         He was scolded by his father. (P.V.)

          उसे उसके पिता ने डांटा था |

         They were not invited to the marriage. (P.V.)

          उन्हें शादी में नहीं बुलाया गया था ।

           Were thieves arrested? (P.V.)

          क्या चोरों को गिरफ्तार किया था ?


Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and convert them

into Passive form.

Examples: He played marble balls yesterday. (A.V.)

                  My brother secured 1st position in college. (A.V.)





      Practice on Notebook as shown in the Table.

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with 

Question Word Structure


Negative Question with 

Question Word Structure

A snake was caught yesterday.


A snake was not caught yesterday.


Was a snake caught yesterday?




How was a snake caught yesterday?



                                    Table No. 2

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


 Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


 Positive Question with 

Question Word Structure

 Negative Question with 

Question Word Structure

Cricket was played in Bangalore.


Cricket was not played in Bangalore.


Was cricket played in Bangalore?


Was cricket not played in Bangalore?


When was cricket played in Bangalore?


Why was cricket not played in Bangalore?


                                  Table No. 3

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with 

Question Word Structure


Negative Question with 

Question Word Structure

The product was delivered by you.


The product was not delivered by you.


Was the product delivered by you?







Why was the product not delivered by you?


                                      Table No. 4

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with

 Question Word Structure


Negative Question with

 Question Word Structure

My house was colored.




Was my house colored?




When was my house colored?


Why was my house not colored?



Practice the following Sentence

       Active Voice – I bought a car last month.

                               पिछले महीने मैंने एक कार खरीदी थी।

                              Passive Voice

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question 

with Question Word Structure


Negative Question 

with Question Word Structure














Write down at least 4 Imaginations around you. 

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  2. …………………………………………………….

  3. …………………………………………………….

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