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Past Perfect Tense - Voice

Past Perfect Tense

Structure: Subject+ Had + been +done(v3) +object.

                    In Hindi

      In English

  कर चुका था, से किया जा चुका था।

  बोल चुका था, से बोला जा चुका था।

 बता चुका था, से बताया जा चुका था।

Had been + done

 Had been + spoken

  Had been + told


e.g., He had been scolded. (P.V.)

       उसे डांटा जा चुका था |

     They had been invited to the marriage. (P.V.)

      उन्हें शादी में आमंत्रित किया जा चुका था।

      Had that task been completed? (P.V.)

      क्या वह कार्य पूरा हो गया था ?

      How come had you been scolded? (P.V.)

      तुम्हें कैसे डांटा गया था ?


Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and 

convert them into Passive form.

Examples: I had completed the project. (A.V.)

                They had slept. (A.V.)




   Practice on Notebook as shown in the Table.

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with

 Question Word Structure


Negative Question with

 Question Word Structure



He had not been 





Had he not been 



How had he been 



 Why had he 

not been convinced?


                                     Table No. 2

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure

Positive Question with 

Question Word Structure


Negative Question with

 Question Word Structure

The Tennis match 

had been played.



Had the tennis 

match been played?



When had the tennis 

match been played?


Why had the tennis 

match not been played?



                                      Table No. 3

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure



Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure



Positive Question with

 Question Word Structure


Negative Question with 

Question Word Structure



You had not been 

taught this lesson.


Had you been 

taught this lesson?



When had you been 

taught this lesson?


Why had you not 

been taught this lesson?


                                     Table No. 4

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with 

Question Word Structure


Negative Question with

 Question Word Structure

The Lesson had been




Had the lesson been 




When had the 

lesson been prepared?


Why had the lesson 

not been prepared? 

Practice the following Sentence

 Active Voice – We had started an English Institute Y.C.E.

                       हम एक YCE नामक  इंग्लिश इंस्टिट्यूट शुरू कर चुके थे।


                                        Passive Voice

Positive Statement 




Statement Structure


Positive Question 



Negative Question 



Positive Question

 with Question 

Word Structure


Negative Question

 with Question

 Word Structure








Write down at least 4 Imaginations around you.  

  1. …………………………………………………….

  2. …………………………………………………….

  3. …………………………………………………….

  4. …………………………………………………….

  5. …………………………………………………….

  6. …………………………………………………….