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Past Perfect Tense

 Past Perfect Tense:

It is used to talk about an action that had been completed before another action in the past.

                  Structure:   S + HV + MV + O.     


Points to be noticed:

  •  In this tense the main verb is used in Past Participle form (V3).

  • ‘Had’ is used as a helping verb in this tense with all subjects.

  • In the last of the Hindi sentences we find (चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे) |


Sentence Structures:

·         Positive Statement Structure

                         S + HV + MV + O.

When I woke up, she had already prepared a bit and sup for me.

          जब मैं जागा तो वह नाश्ता तैयार कर चुकी थी |


·         Negative Statement Structure

                    S + HV + NOT + MV + O.

             The Patient had not passed away.

                 मरीज़ नहीं मर चुका था |

·         Positive Question Structure

                                  HV + S + MV + O?

                                Had he ditched you?

                          क्या वह आपको धोखा दे चुका था ?


·         Negative Question Structure

                          HV + S + NOT + MV + O?

                         Had he not informed you?

                      क्या उसने आपको जानकारी नहीं दी थी ?


·         Positive Question with Question Word Structure

                      W, H WORD+ HV + S + MV + O?

              When had robbers broken into my office?

                         डकैत मेरे दफ्तर मे कब घुस चुके थे ?


·         Negative Question with Question Word Structure

                      W, H WORD + HV + S + MV + O?

                    Why had they not called the police?

                          वे पुलिस को क्यो नहीं बुला चुके थे ?



                                    Table No. 01

Subject – I                            Action verb – Drive the car


I had driven the car.




Had I driven the car?




When had I driven the car?






मैंने कार नहीं चलाई थी।




 क्या मैंने कार नहीं चलाई थी।




मैंने कार कैसे नहीं चलाई थी।

Table No. 02

Subject –They                           Action verb –Hire the cab




They had not hired the cab.




Had they not hired the cab?


When had they hired the cab?





 उन्होंने कैब किराए पर ली थी।




क्या उन्होंने कैब किराए पर ली थी?






उन्होंने कैब क्यो किराए पर ली थी?

                                      Table No. 03

Subject –He                           Action verb –Reach the station





He had not reached the station.






Why had he not reached the station?


वह स्टेशन पहुंचा था |




क्या वह स्टेशन पहुंचा था?


वह स्टेशन कब पहुंचा था? 



                                      Table No. 04

Subject –India                                Action verb –Won the match




India had not won the match.


Had India won the match?




When had India won the match?




भारत ने मैच जीत लिया था |






क्या भारत ने मैच नहीं जीत लिया था |





भारत ने मैच क्यो नहीं जीत लिया था |


                         Exercise to be practice

 Subject                         Action verb

     He                             reach the railway station.

      I                                 inform

   They                            sleep

   She                              complete (my/his/her/their) homework.


Create the 2-3 sentences using the above statements

1.      …………………………………………………….

2.      …………………………………………………….

3.      …………………………………………………….

4.      …………………………………………………….

5.      …………………………………………………….

6.      …………………………………………………….

7.      …………………………………………………….

8.      …………………………………………………….

9.      …………………………………………………….

10. ……………………………………………………..


Create a few sentences from your daily life using the verbs & Words given below.

keep, sleep, sip, take, wear, knead, speak, tear, etc