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Past Continuous Tense - Voice

Past Continuous Tense

Structure: Subject+ Was/Were + being + done(v3) + object

                      In Hindi

              In English

  कर रहा था से किया जा रहा था।

बुला रहा था से बुलाया जा रहा था।

 लिख रहा था से लिखा जा रहा था।

  Was/Were being + done

   Was/Were being + called

 Was/Were being + written

Practice on Notebook as shown in the Table.

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure



Positive Question with Question Word Structure



Negative Question with Question Word Structure

He was being sent to the party.




Was he being sent to the party?


Was he not being sent to the party?





Why was he not being sent to the party?


     Table 01

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure



Negative Question with Question Word Structure

The goat was being fed grass.


The goat was not being fed grass.




Was the goat not being fed grass?


When was the goat being fed grass?





                                  Table No. 2

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure



Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

They were being driven in the car.




Were they being driven in the car?


Were they not being driven in the car?





Why were they not being driven in the car?


                                       Table No. 3

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure



My car was not being repaired.


Was my car being repaired?




Where was my car being repaired?



Why was my car not being repaired?



                                      Table No. 4

                            Passive Voice

Positive Statement Structure



Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

Clothes was being washed by my mother.














e.g., They were being written exam. (P.V.)

      उनकी परिक्षा कराई जा रही थी |

       I was not being punished. (P.V.)

       मुझे दंडित नहीं किया जा रहा था।

       Was he not being invited? (P.V.)

        क्या उसे आमंत्रित नहीं किया जा रहा था?


Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and convert them into Passive.

Examples: I was flying the kite. (A.V.)

               They were not taking it seriously. (A.V.)









Practice the following Sentence

    Active Voice – My mother was washing the clothes.

                               मेरी अम्मी कपड़े धो रही थी।



Write down at least 4 Imaginations around you.  

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