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Past continuous tense

 Past continuous tense:

It is used to show the continuity of the past action.

                    Structure:  S+HV+MV+O.

Points to be noticed

  •  In this tense, the main verb is used in present participle form (V4)

  •  It has two helping verbs ‘was’ and ‘were’.

  •  *Was – with ‘I’ and singular subject.

  • *Were – with Plural Subject.

  •  In the last of the Hindi sentences we find (रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे )


Sentence Structures

·         Positive Statement Structure

                            S + HV + MV + O.

                      They were crossing the river.

                         वे नदी पार कर रहे थे |


·         Negative Statement Structure

                       S + HV + NOT + MV + O.

                  He was not picking up the tab.

                         वह बिल नहीं दे रहा था |


·         Positive Question Structure

                         HV + S + MV + O?

                    Were you having a ball?

                      क्या आप एंजोय कर रहे थे ?


·         Negative Question Structure

                   HV + S + NOT + MV + O.

               Was she not skipping the quiz?

                   क्या वह क्विज़ नहीं छोड रही थी ?


·         Positive Question with Question Word Structure

                 W, H WORD+ HV +S + MV + O +?

                      Where were they contributing?

                          वे कहाँ योगदान दे रहे थे?


·         Negative Question with Question Word Structure

              W, H WORD + HV + S + NOT +MV + O?

     Why was your brother not eating food?

    आपका भाई अच्छे कपडे क्यो नहीं पहन रहा था?


                                     Table No. 01

Subject – He                                         Action verb – Stammer


He was stammering.




Was he stammering?




When was he stammering?







वह हकला नहीं रहा था।  




क्या वह हकला नहीं रहा था।  




वह हकला कैसे नहीं रहा था?

     Table No. 02

Subject – She                                        Action verb – Worship




She was not worshiping.




Was she not worshiping?




Where was she worshiping?


वह पूजा कर रही थी।




 क्या वह पूजा कर रही थी?




वह कब पूजा कर रही थी?




                               Table No. 03

Subject – They                                    Action verb – Ride the horse




They were not riding the horse.




 Were they not riding the horse?




Where were they riding the horse?


वे घोड़े पर सवार थे |




क्या वे घोड़े पर सवार थे |




वे कब घोड़े पर सवार थे?



                                  Table No. 04

Subject – Rahul                                 Action verb – Hide the truth


Rahul was hiding the truth.




Was Rahul hiding the truth?




When was Rahul hiding the truth?






राहुल सच नहीं छुपा रहा था ।




क्या राहुल सच नहीं छुपा रहा था ।




राहुल सच क्यो नहीं छुपा रहा था?


                    Exercise to be practiced

Subject                                   Action verb

He                                       wait for you.

Your brother                       visit Agra.

We                                      drink the water.

They                                    plant the trees.


Create the 2-3 sentences using the above statements

1.      …………………………………………………….

2.      …………………………………………………….

3.      …………………………………………………….

4.      …………………………………………………….

5.      …………………………………………………….

6.      …………………………………………………….

7.      …………………………………………………….

8.      …………………………………………………….

9.      …………………………………………………….

10. ……………………………………………………..



Create a few sentences from your daily life using the verbs & Words given below.

Run, be, buy, shop, walk, talk, jog, mug, cram, etc