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 There are 13 modal verbs that are often used. These are ‘Will’,

‘Shall’, ‘Would’, ‘Should’, ‘Can’, ‘Could’, ‘May’, ‘Might’, ‘Must’,

‘Need’, ‘Dare’, ‘Ought to’, & ‘used’.


Rules to use Modal Verbs

  1. The modal verbs expressed ability, power, 

permission, request, possibility, willingness, etc.

  1. Modal verbs are not affected by number, gender, and person.

  2. Modal verbs do not have any forms.

  3. Modal Verbs Subject  की  योग्यता, शक्ति,  इज़्ज़ाज़त, विनती,

संभावना और इच्छाओं को व्यक्त करते हैं |

  1.  Modal verbs परसंख्या, लिंग और व्यक्ति का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता |

  2.  Modal verbs की कोई  forms नहीं होती |

Difference between Normal Verb and Modal Verb.

            Normal Verb

              Modal Verb

He works.

He does not work.

He does work hard.

Does he work here?

Does he not work here?

He can work.

He cannot work.

He can work hard.

Can he work at all?

Can he not work at all?

‘Will’            ‘Would’          Should        

May            Might        Must

Can            Could  

Need          Dare         Used To             Ought To