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Future Simple Tense - Voice

 Future Simple Tense or Future Indefinite Tense

Structure: Subject+ Will + be + done (v3) +Object.

                In Hindi

        In English

        करेगा,  से किया जायगा।

         सोचेगा,  से सोचा जाएगा।

      बुलाएगा,  से बुलाया जाएगा।

            Will be + done

             Will be + thought

              Will be + called

Practice on Notebook as shown in the Table.

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure

Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

The Car will be driven recklessly.




Will the car be driven recklessly?




Where will the car be driven recklessly?


Why will the car be driven recklessly?


Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure

 Positive Question Structure

 Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure

 Negative Question with Question Word Structure

The Dance program will be executed there.




Will the Dance program be executed there?




 Where will the Dance program be executed?


Why will the Dance program not be executed?

                                        Table No. 2                             

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure


Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

They will be threatened.




Will they be threatened?




Where will they be threatened?



Why will they be threatened?


                                 Table No. 3

Positive Statement Structure



Negative Statement Structure


 Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure

 Positive Question with Question Word Structure


Negative Question with Question Word Structure

The world cup will be played in India next year.




 Will the world cup be played in India next year?




Where will the world cup be played next year?


Why will the world cup not be played in India?


                                    Table No. 4


                                          Passive Voice

Positive Statement Structure


Negative Statement Structure


Positive Question Structure


Negative Question Structure

 Positive Question with Question Word Structure

Negative Question with Question Word Structure













e.g., I will be turned a deaf ear. (P.V.)

       मैं बहरा हो जाऊंगा |

       You will not be given the cold shoulders. (P.V.)

      आपके साथ रूखा व्यवहार नहीं किया जाएगा।

       English will be taught in Madarsas also. (P.V.)

       Will you be trained by Munawar Zama sir? (P.V.)


Here are a few examples for practice. Read them and convert them into Passive form.

Examples:  They will short out this matter. (A.V.)

                 He will not take tea. (A.V.)

                 You will write an English book. (A.V.)







Practice the following Sentence

  Active Voice – She will take care of you.

                                          वह आपकी देखभाल करेगी।



Write down at least 4 Imaginations around you. 

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  2. …………………………………………………….

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