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Future Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense or Future Indefinite Tense:

It is used to talk about intention, determination, and the simple futurity of an action.


Identity– The Hindi sentences having 'गा', 'गी', 'गे'  at their end are Future Indefinite Tenses.


 इस टेंस के वाक्यों मे कर्ता के इरादों का, काम के प्रति उसके दृढ़निश्चयता का, और भविष्य की प्रतिक्रिया का बोध होता है |


पहचान:  इन वाक्यों के अन्त मे 'गा', 'गी', 'गे' आते हैं ।

                     Structure:  S + HV + MV + O.


Points to be noticed:

  • In this tense, the main verb is used in present form.

  • Will and shall are used as a helping verb.

  • *Shall- With ‘I’ and ‘We’.

  • *Will – with remaining subjects.

  • Note: In modern English, we can use ‘will’ with every subject.

  • While making questions with ‘I’ and ‘We’ shall be used.

  • In the last of the Hindi sentence, we find (गा, गी, गे) |


Sentence Structures:

·         Positive Statement Structure

                                 S + HV + MV + O.

                             She will practice piano.

                            वह पियानो का अभ्यास करेगी |


·         Negative Statement Structure

                            S + HV + NOT + MV + O.

                           They will not betray you.

                                वे आपको धोखा नहीं देंगे |


·         Positive Question Structure

                                HV + S + MV + O +?

                     Shall we watch a movie this night?

                             क्या आज रात हम मूवी देखेंगे ?


·         Negative Question Structure

                          HV + S + NOT + MV + O +?

                   Will he not sing different kinds of songs?

                    क्या वह अलग तरह के गाने नहीं गायेगा ?


·         Positive Question with Question Word Structure

                     WH Word + HV+ S + MV + O +?

                             How will he go there?

                               वह वहाँ कैसे जायेगा?

·         Negative Question with Question Word Structure

             WH Word + HV+ S + NOT + MV + O +?

                 Why will they not visit the hotel?

                      वे होटल क्यो नहीं विसिट करेंगे?


            Exercise to be practiced

Subject                                      Action verb

   They                                          pick up the call

   Karan                                         grate

   He                                            squeeze (lemon)

   Ronit                                       play guitar



Create the 3-4 sentences using the above statements.

1.      …………………………………………………….

2.      …………………………………………………….

3.      …………………………………………………….

4.      …………………………………………………….

5.      …………………………………………………….

6.      …………………………………………………….

7.      …………………………………………………….

8.      …………………………………………………….

Create a few sentences from your daily life using the verbs & words given below.

throw, steal, copy, cut, hit, show, do, blow, drive, etc