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There are two types of articles.

1.   Definite Article - The

2.   Indefinite Article - a and an


Definite Article - “The”

The - It makes the noun something particular and definite.

e.g., Give me the ball.


ü  Here

·         The speaker is telling someone to give him/her a particular

ball about which the speaker and the listener both are aware.

·         There is no possibility of the ball being anything else Rather

than the speaker and the listener’s idea of that particular ball.


Indefinite Article - “a” and “an”.

A & an - These make the noun something general and indefinite.

e.g., Give me a ball.


ü  Here

·         The speaker is telling someone to give him/her a random

ball about which the listener is not particularly aware, and

she/he might ask ‘which/what kind of ball you want?’.

Rules to use Definite Article  - “The”

1.  When it is said about a predetermined object. 

जब किसी सुनिश्चित वस्तु की बात हो | 

e.g., I found a bag. The bag contained a coin. The coin was

      made of gold.

      She brought a silk saree. The saree is very Costly.


2.  Before the comparative degree when it is used

as an adverb.

तुलनात्मक डिग्री से पहले जब इसका इस्तेमाल क्रिया विशेषण की तरह

 हो |

e.g., The more she gets, the more she demands.

     The more you work, the more you get.


3.  When a selection is expressed or comparison is

expressed before the Comparative Degree.

जब कोई चयन वक्त किया जाता है या तुलना व्यक्त की जाती है,

 तुलनात्मक डिग्री से पहले |

e.g., He is the stronger of the two.

    This is the better of the two novels.


4.   Before the parts of the body (शारीरिक अंग से पहले )

e.g., He is wounded in the arms.

      Ram hit him in the head.


5.   Before the superlative degree (श्रेष्ठता सूचक डिग्री से पहले )

e.g., He is the best student in our class.

      She is the most beautiful girl in the school.


Rules to use Indefinite Article

1.   Before the singular countable noun ‘A/An' is used.

(गणनीय संज्ञा से पहले)

e.g.,   I have a pen.

       Ram has an umbrella.

       She is a girl.


2.   In explanatory sentences ‘A/An' is used after ‘What’.

व्याख्यात्मक वाक्यों में, What के बाद |

e.g., What a few d buildings!

        What a pretty girl!

        What an amazing picture!

3.   Before A Hundred, A Thousand, A Million, A Dozen,

A Couple.

e.g., I have purchased a dozen eggs. 

     I have bought a couple of oranges.

     He is born a thousand years ago.

         Mohit Manraaj has a million followers on Youtube.


4.   Before someone’s profession.

किसी के व्यवसाय से पहले |

e.g., He is an MLA.

      She is a teacher.

      Mohit Manraaj became a guitarist.

      Adeeba is a student.


5.   When the verb is used as a noun in a sentence

then ‘A/An is used.

जब वाक्य में क्रिया को संज्ञा की तरह इस्तेमाल किया जाए |  

e.g., He goes for a walk daily.

      He has gone for a ride.

      Last Sunday, I had a long talk with her.

      I want to have a rest.