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8th Structure Related to Expression

 8.  Let’s say that + Sentence. (आओ कहते हैं...)

§  You are suggesting to someone that you should both agree on what you will communicate to someone else.




ü  Examples

·         Let’s say that we won the match.

·         Let’s say that the movie was really good.

·         Let’s say that I have to work.

·         Let’s say that we found it.

Let’s not + verb(V1) (चलो नहीं करते...)

§  You are requesting that something does not take place at this moment or that what’s happening needs to be contained.


ü  Examples 

·         Let’s not discuss this now.

·         Let’s not stay here too long.

·         Let’s not stop anywhere on the way.

·         Let’s not get too excited.