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6 Structure

6.  Structure: - Would + have + done(V3)

Usage: -It is used to describe a possible action 

that did not happen because something else happened

 or did not happen.

इस संरचना का इस्तेमाल कर्ता के संभावित कार्यो के लिए किया 

जाता हैं, जो कार्य अभी किये नहीं गए है| 

In Hindi

In English

कार + सजाता (सजाई नहीं)

नहीं + जाता   (चला गया)

पीटता      (पीटा नहीं)

Would + have + decorated the car

Would + not have + gone

Would + have + beaten



He would have delivered a speech.

वह स्पीच देता। (दी नहीं)


They would not have drawn the picture.

वे तस्वीर नहीं उतारते। (पर उतार दी)

Would Rakesh have renovated his home?

क्या राकेश अपना घर नया करवाता?

India would have won the match.

इंडिया मैच जीत जाती (पर जीती नहीं)

                         Words for your vocabulary

Saunter – walk in a slow 

or relaxed manner.

Take up arms- To fight.

Stride – walk with a long step

Luminous- Shining.

Mesmerize – Spellbound.

Discriminate - Differentiate