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4 Structure

4.  Structure: - used to + do (v1)

Usage: - To talk about habitual or regular action or 

states in the past that are now finished.

इस संरचना का इस्तेमाल भूतकाल की आदत, नियमित 

क्रिया के लिए किया जाता है |

In Hindi

In English

किया + करता था/थी/थे

खेला + करता था/थी/थे

जाया + करता था/थी/थे

समझाया + करता था/थी/थे

Used to+ do

Used to+ play

Used to+ go

Used to+ make understand



Your mother used to churn the curd.

आपकी मम्मी दही बिलोया करती थी।

She did not use to ride on the swing.

वह झूला नहीं झूला करती थी ।

Did they use to dream in broad daylight?

क्या वे दिन मे सपने देखा करते थे?

He used to speak English fluently.

वह फर्राटेदार अंग्रेजी बोला करता था


                      4 words for your vocabulary

Elocution – the art of public speaking

Omnivore – that eats everything i.e., both plants and flesh

Carnivore – that eat the flesh

Herbivore – that eats plants.