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Dry Fruits

 Dry Fruits

Coconut (कोकोनट)                      -             नारियल

Date (डेट)                                    -             खजूर

Dry date (ड्राइ डेट)                       -              छुरा

Cashew (कैशू)                              -              काजू

Almond (आमन्ड्)                          -              बादाम

Pistachio (पि’स्टैशीओ)                   -              पिस्ता

Peanut (पीनट)                              -              मूंगफली

Betel Nut (बीटल नट)                    -              पान सुपारी /  सुपारी

Walnut/Chestnut                        -              अखरोट

Fox Nut (फॉक्स नट)                      -              मखाना

Pine Nut (पाइन नट्)                      -              पाइन नट्

Raisin (रैज़िन)                                -               किशमिश

Currant (करन्ट)                             -              मुनक्का

Dry Corn (ड्राइ कॉर्न)                      -              सूखा मक्का

Dry Fig (ड्राइ फिग)                        -              सूखी अंजीर

Apricot (एप्रीकॉट)                         -               खुबानी

Pecan (पीकन)                               -              पेकॉन

Prune (प्रून)                                   -              सूखा आलूबुखारा

Imp. Terminology

Chew / Masticate -   चबाना

Nutcracker - A tool designed to open nuts by cracking their shell.

Mastication - The process of Grinding, chewing, and shredding food in the mouth by teeth is called mastication.